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DC 系列輪組,配備 ONEAER 創新 RCS 花鼓,並提供選配培林 Ceramicspeed 高規版。
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Featuring innovative RCS hub by ONEAER, experience the ultra-responsive pedaling with 120 engagement points every rotation. The pinnacle of carbon rims meets our signature hub, together with 100% hand craft assembly, culminating in a true masterpiece. Optimized stiffness to weight ratio with ultralight mid depth profile rims, your best friend on the climbs. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, to support all your powerful pedal strokes. ONEAER的創新RCS花鼓,每轉一圈擁有120個咬合點,讓您體驗超響應的踩踏效果。碳纖維輪圈的巔峰與我們的招牌花鼓相結合,再加上100%的手工組裝,共同締造出一件真正的傑作。 優化的硬度與重量比例,超輕的中深度輪圈,將是您爬坡時的最佳夥伴。支援無內胎設計,更好的適應性和更低的滾動阻力,全力支援您每一次的強力踩踏。 Introducing ONEAER RCSONEAER's newly developed RCS hub boasts an ultra-responsive and smooth rotation efficiency. Its Rapid Clutch System uses a six-pawl mechanism, with three pawls engaging while the other three are in a semi-clutch state. The whole mechanism are engaging every 3 degrees, resulting in 120 engagement points per revolution.The approach of spoke combination deploy both J-bend and straight pulls, positioning the straight pull side spokes further towards the center of the wheel. This design ensures more even angles and tensions on both side spokes, further enhancing performance and durability. Cassette body tool-free releasing mechanism, allowing a more convenient and easier regular maintenance job, such as cleaning and greasing. ONEAER RCS 創新花鼓介紹ONEAER新開發的RCS花鼓以其超反應和平滑的旋轉效率而自豪。其快速離合系統(Rapid Clutch System)使用六爪機制,其中三爪正在咬合,而另外三爪則處於半離合狀態。整個機制每轉3度即咬合,每轉動一圈有120個咬合點。輪輻組合方式採用彎頭(J-bend)和直拉兩種方式,將直拉側的輪輻位置更接近輪子的中心。此設計確保兩側輪輻的角度和張力更為平均,進一步提高了性能和耐久性。 棘輪座免工具快速拆合機構,讓您更方便地進行定期維護,例如清潔和上油。 Featuring innovative RCS hub by ONEAER, experience the ultra-responsive pedaling with 120 engagement points every rotation. The pinnacle of carbon rims meets our signature hub, together with 100% hand craft assembly, culminating in a true masterpiece. Optimized aerodynamic effect to weight ratio with the 48mm deep profile rim, the all time weapon to the all rounders. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, devouring miles in an elegant and comfortable style. ONEAER的創新RCS花鼓,每轉一圈擁有120個咬合點,讓您體驗超響應的踩踏效果。碳纖維輪圈的巔峰與我們的招牌花鼓相結合,再加上100%的手工組裝,共同締造出一件真正的傑作。 優化的空氣動力學效果和重量比,擁有48mm深度的輪圈,始終是全能型選手的利器。支援無內胎設計,更好的適應性和更低的滾動阻力,全力支援您每一次的強力踩踏。 Introducing ONEAER RCSONEAER's newly developed RCS hub boasts an ultra-responsive and smooth rotation efficiency. Its Rapid Clutch System uses a six-pawl mechanism, with three pawls engaging while the other three are in a semi-clutch state. The whole mechanism are engaging every 3 degrees, resulting in 120 engagement points per revolution.The approach of spoke combination deploy both J-bend and straight pulls, positioning the straight pull side spokes further towards the center of the wheel. This design ensures more even angles and tensions on both side spokes, further enhancing performance and durability. Cassette body tool-free releasing mechanism, allowing a more convenient and easier regular maintenance job, such as cleaning and greasing. ONEAER RCS 創新花鼓介紹ONEAER新開發的RCS花鼓以其超反應和平滑的旋轉效率而自豪。其快速離合系統(Rapid Clutch System)使用六爪機制,其中三爪正在咬合,而另外三爪則處於半離合狀態。整個機制每轉3度即咬合,每轉動一圈有120個咬合點。輪輻組合方式採用彎頭(J-bend)和直拉兩種方式,將直拉側的輪輻位置更接近輪子的中心。此設計確保兩側輪輻的角度和張力更為平均,進一步提高了性能和耐久性。 棘輪座免工具快速拆合機構,讓您更方便地進行定期維護,例如清潔和上油。 Our ultimate long distance specialist that made with super light 58mm deep rims, super strong yet lightness is also take into consideration. Great weapon for high speed challenger and Triathlon enthusiast. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, maximise your performance on the weekend or at the game. 專攻終極長距離的超輕量碳纖維碟煞輪組,採用58mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到最佳平衡,適合公路騎行與三鐵長距離運動,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,大幅提升您的週末騎行樂趣與賽事表現。 Maximised stiffness to weight ratio with ultralight 38mm deep rims, DX3 is your best friend on the climbs. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, to support all your powerful pedal strokes. 極致輕量的碳纖維碟煞輪組,採用38mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到極致,適合高強度爬坡攻克山路,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,成為您每一次踩踏的強力支柱。 Great balance between lightness and stiffness with super light 48mm deep rims, DX5 is the allrounder for ascending and the flat thanks for the aero gain. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, to push the boundary together with your amazing output. 超輕量的碳纖維碟煞輪組,採用48mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到最佳平衡,適合全面的路線騎行,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,協助激發您的驚人潛力。 Our foundation 38mm deep rims but we did not forget to make them strong and durable, they are good enough for going up and down. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, allow you to pedal fast and sharp. 高性能的碳纖維碟煞輪組,採用38mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,不只輕量且堅固耐用,適合各種路線,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,讓您每次踩踏反應靈敏。 Our foundation 48mm deep rims but we did strike a balance between strong and light, they are good enough for going up and down. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, allow you to pedal fast and sharp. 高性能的碳纖維碟煞輪組,採用48mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到最佳平衡,適合各種路線,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,讓您每次踩踏反應靈敏。 Tougher, wider, stiffer yet light weight 32mm rim profile wheel take you flying over Gravels. Formed with DT hubs and lightweight spokes. Reach the terrains that never been discovered in an agile style. The same advanced carbon fiber manufacturing process as DX series guarantee the outstanding performance and durability. 剛性增強卻又更加輕量的 32mm 寬型框體,帶您安心飛越碎石越野地形。D2X 使用業界知名 DT 花鼓與超輕輻條,讓您輕鬆探索以往難以到達的地點。框體與 DX 系列採用相同先進碳纖維製程,達到出色的性能與耐用度。 Maximised stiffness to weight ratio with ultralight 38mm deep rims, RX3 is amazing on the climbs. This series utilised 3K carbon fiber with unique surface treatment BCS (Braking Control Surface) on the brake track, improving braking stability with less stopping distance. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, to support all your powerful pedal strokes. 極致輕量的碳纖維圈煞輪組,採用38mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到極致,適合高強度爬坡攻克山路,3K碳纖維煞車邊提供極佳制動力與耐用度,兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,成為您每一次踩踏的強力支柱。 Great balance between lightness and stiffness with super light 48mm deep rims, RX5 is the allrounder for ascending and the flat thanks for the aero gain. This series utilised 3K carbon fiber with unique surface treatment BCS (Braking Control Surface) on the brake track, improving braking stability with less stopping distance. Tubeless ready for better compliance and less rolling resistance, to push the boundary together with your amazing output. 超輕量的碳纖維圈煞輪組,採用48mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到最佳平衡,適合全面的路線騎行,3K碳纖維煞車邊提供極佳制動力與耐用度,煞車邊以獨家的表面處理方式在四個區段使用BCS(Braking Control Surface)製程,提昇煞車穩定性且縮短煞車距離。兼容無內胎系統以提升騎乘的舒適性與減少滾動阻力,協助激發您的驚人潛力。 Made for gravel in mind but weight weenies will nod their heads as well. 23mm low profile wheels are made for wider gravel tires which give you the confident to fly over offroad terrain, no matter dry or wet. Hookless and tubeless ready means that you can now ride with low tire pressure with great comfort and free from flat tires. And yet, we made them hole-less on the tire bed. No rim tape is needed for simplicity and even better air tight performance with just a tubeless valve. They are strong and light enough for any adventure you are looking for. 雖為了騎乘礫石路面打造而生,但重量的表現符合輕量極客的嚴苛標準。23mm框高,內 25mm 外 30mm寬型框體,適用更寬的礫石輪胎,帶您安心飛越碎石越野地形與溼滑路面。無勾框體搭配 TLR 無內胎系統,讓您能以低胎壓騎乘,提升越野性能及舒適度。平整無孔的胎槽設計,僅需安裝無內胎專用氣嘴即可享受無內胎系統帶來的各項優勢。 Air weight 38mm deep tubular disc wheelset, stiffness to weight ratio has come to perfection. Tubular is always a must have for the pros for extreme performance, now they are even better when disc brake comes along. This racing specialist brings you limitless possibilities. 極致輕量的碳纖維管胎版碟煞輪組,採用38mm高度框體搭配專業製程技術,在輕量與強度達到極致,管胎帶來優越且明顯的性能提升,搭配碟煞系統無與倫比的煞車性能,讓您在賽場上脫穎而出,創造競賽無限可能。 |
GENERAL 規格 | |
Set Weight (± 3%) 整組重量 (± 3%) | 1320 g 1410 g 1480 g / 1425 g (SE) 1370 g / 1340 g (SE) 1280 g / 1250 g (SE) 1660 g 1610 g 1530 g 1360 g / 1330 g (SE) 1420 g / 1390 g (SE) 1245 g 1200 g |
Front / Rear Weight (Without rim tape) 前/後輪重量 (不包含襯帶) | 595 / 725 g 635 / 775 g |
Brake Type 煞車系統 | Disc Brake Rim Brake |
Tubeless Ready System 無內胎系統 | Yes N/A |
Clincher (inner-tubes) 可裝內胎 | Yes No ( Hookless ) N/A |
Maximum Rider Weightt 最大承載體重 | 120 kg |
RIM 輪圈 | Rim Profile View 輪圈剖面圖 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Material 材質 | 100% Carbon Fiber |
Rim Height 框高 | 58 mm 48 mm 38.1 mm 32 mm 23 mm 37.9 mm |
External Rim Width 外框寬 | 26.1 mm 26.3 mm 26.5 mm 28.8 mm 30 mm 26.3 mm |
Internal Rim Width 內框寬 | 20.1 mm 22.98 mm 19 mm 19.7 mm 25 mm N/A |
Brake Range 煞車邊 | 11 mm |
Tire Width 適用胎寬 | 700 x 25 ~ 32c 700 x 28 ~ 40c 700 x 23 ~ 30c |
Maximum PSI / Bar 最大胎壓 PSI / Bar | 120 / 8.3 72.5 / 5 Refer Tire Spec |
Outer Spoke Holes 鋼絲外孔 | Yes ( Rim Tape Required ) No ( Rim Tape not necessary ) Yes ( Rim Tape not necessary ) |
HUB 花鼓 | |
Type 類型 | J-bend & Straight Pull Straight Pull J Band |
Break Interface 煞車類型 | Center Lock Non Disc |
Axle System 芯軸規格 | 12 x 100 / 12 x 142 mm None |
Freehub System 棘輪系統 | Rapid Clutch System Ratchet EXP 36 3 Pawl |
Cassette Body 變速系統 | SHIMANO 11-12s, SRAM XDR 12s |
SPOKE 輻條 | |
Model 型號 | Pillar Wing20 Aero SAPIM CX-RAY Pillar Double Butted SAPIM CX-Sprint / SAPIM CX-RAY (SE) |
Count 數量 | 24 / 24 20 / 24 |
Material 材質 | Black Stainless |
Nipple 接頭 | DSN External Alloy Internal Type Alloy External Type Alloy |
NOTE 購買須知 | |